Some of the most interesting material has been contributed by individuals with a long history in the valley. And while landscape photos are beautiful, it takes thousands of years to see significant changes in the mountains and valleys so those are not the highest priority for me (unless you’ve got some from the last ice age!). On the other hand, human impact and unusual weather happens much faster and is often more ephemeral where it’s not possible to go get a photo now. So this is a request to consider contributing photos or videos that show trails, roads, washouts, landslides, floods, fires, clearcuts, trailheads, cabins, bridges, junk, vandalism, campgrounds and the like. I can help with the digital conversion from almost any old media and will return it promptly along with high resolution digital versions. I also welcome hearing about any history, epic hikes/climbs, stories or adventures you’ve had in the Middle Fork. I generally don’t include anything about North Bend or the details of the logging activity other than what it left behind. Those topics are already well covered by the Snoqualmie Valley Historical Museum. Some specific things I’d most like to learn or see photos of are
- How Mount Teneriffe and Russian Butte got their names to add to this list of place names
- Any photos from first ascents or other early climbs of peaks in or around the Middle Fork, especially Garfield
- Photos of the mailbox on Mailbox Peak before 1993
- Photos of the cabins below Dutch Miller gap from the 1920s when they were standing
- Photos and stories of driving up the CCC and Taylor River roads while they were still open
- Photos of when the Taylor River trailhead bridge burned in the 1980s
- A photo of the old railroad bridge, or it’s remains, where the Lake Dorothy Bridge now stands
Email me at if you can help, or have any questions, ideas, or referrals.
The photos below are not all on the website in context yet, but they are an sampling of the most desired kinds of pictures.

2009: Inside the shack on Teneriffe Mountain shortly before it was torn down by the DNR. By Karen Portin

2005: Cabin at the base of Russian Butte removed when the property was acquired by King County. By Mark Boyar